(Rich Uncle Pennybags)
A conservative is someone who demands a square deal for the rich.
Among the rich you will never find a really generous man even by
accident. They may give their money away, but they will never give
themselves away; they are egotistic, secretive, dry as old bones. To be
smart enough to get all that money you must be dull enough to want it.
Anyone whose needs are small seems threatening to the rich, because he's
always ready to escape their control.
-Nicolas Chamfort
By and large the poor have the same impulses as the rich, with only less
opportunity or skill to implement them.
-Will Durant
Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of
property, is in reality instituted for the defense of the rich against
the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none
at all.
-Adam Smith
Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money, they will lose
their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they've lost
all incentive because we've given them too much money.
Counterpart to the knee-jerk liberal is the new knee-pad conservative,
always groveling before the rich and powerful.
-Edward Abbey
Do not waste your time on Social Questions. What is the matter with the
poor is poverty. What is matter with the rich is uselessness.
Bernard Shaw
Each class preaches the importance of those virtues it need not
exercise. The rich harp on the value of thrift, the idle grow eloquent
over the dignity of labour.
-Oscar Wilde
For wealth's now given to none but to the rich.
Gambling promises the poor what property performs for the rich,
something for nothing.
-George Bernard Shaw
He is the richest who is content with the least.
He was gifted with the sly, sharp instinct for self-preservation that
passes for wisdom among the rich.
-Evelyn Waugh
History will judge societies and governments- and their institutions-
not by how big they are or how well they serve the rich and the
powerful, but by how effectively they respond to the needs of the poor
and the helpless.
-Cesar Chavez
I believe that all the measures of the Government are directed to the
purpose of making the rich richer and the poor poorer.
Henry Harrison
I do not see in religion the mystery of the incarnation so much as the
mystery of the social order. It introduces into the thought of heaven an
idea of equalization, which saves the rich from being massacred by the
-Napoleon Bonaparte
I sometimes think that rich men belong to another nationality entirely,
no matter what their actual nationality happens to be. The nationality
of the rich.
-William Saroyan
If all the rich and all of the church people should send their children
to the public schools they would feel bound to concentrate their money
on improving these schools until they met the highest ideals.
B. Anthony
If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would
be librarians.
-Warren Buffett
In bad times, the rich usually get richer.
-Stuart Wilde
It is easier to ask of the poor than of the rich.
-Anton Chekhov
It is only when the rich are sick that they fully feel the impotence of
-Charles Caleb Colton
It's a crazy society now. It's the richest society ever and yet people
are overworked. There's more unemployment, more crime, more confusion,
more broken marriages. This is a breakdown. Every culture breaks down.
Every society breaks down, whether it's Rome, Spain, the British Empire.
The people in charge probably didn't get it until they had their heads
chopped off.
-Jerry Brown
It's a game. We (tax lawyers) teach the rich how to play it so they can
stay rich- and the IRS keeps changing the rules so we can keep getting
rich teaching them.
-John Grisham
Let me smile with the wise, and feed with the rich.
-Samuel Johnson
Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor. -Sholem Aleichem
Like all the rich he could not bring himself to believe that the poor
(look at their houses, look at their clothes!) could really suffer. Like
all the cultivated he believed that only the widely read could be said
to know that they were unhappy.
-Thornton Wilder
Many speak the truth when they say that they despise riches, but they
mean the riches possessed by others.
-Charles Caleb Colton
My visions of the future are always pretty much standard issue. The rich
get richer, the poor get poorer... and there are flying cars.
Of all classes the rich are the most noticed and the least studied.
Kenneth Galbraith
Of course there's a different law for the rich and poor; Otherwise who
would go into business?
-E. Ralph Stewart
Planning ahead is a measure of class. The rich and even the middle class
plan for future generations, but the poor can plan ahead only a few
weeks or days.
-Gloria Steinem
Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign
funds from the rich by promising to protect each from the other.
Poor people have more fun than rich people, they say; and I notice it's
the rich people who keep saying it.
-Jack Paar
So many people spend their lives chasing money and end up as the richest
men in the cemetery. I don't want to be like that.
-H. Ross Perot
Terrorism is the war of the poor, and war is the terrorism of the rich.
The bonus is really one of the great give-aways in business enterprise.
It is the annual salve applied to the conscience of the rich and the
wounds of the poor.
-E.B. White
The difference between rich and poor is not that the rich sin is more
than the poor, that the rich find it easier to call sin a virtue.
The forces in a capitalist society, if left unchecked, tend to make the
rich richer and the poor poorer.
-Jawaharlal Nehru
The observances of the church concerning feasts and fasts are tolerably
well-kept, since the rich keep the feasts and the poor keep the fasts.
The petty economies of the rich are just as amazing as the silly
extravagances of the poor.
-William Feather
The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have
always objected to being governed at all.
-G.K. Chesterton
The poor have the same basic pleasures as the rich, and the rich will
always resent it.
-Mignon McLaughlin
The preservation of the means of knowledge among the lowest ranks is of
more importance to the public than all the property of all the rich men
in the country.
-John Adams
The problem of our age is the proper administration of wealth, so that
the ties of brotherhood may still bind together the rich and poor in
harmonious relationship.
-Andrew Carnegie
The rich are indeed rather possessed by their money than possessors.
The rich are the scum of the earth in every county.
The rich man... is always sold to the institution which makes him rich.
David Thoreau
The rich really are like you and me. They just don't do as much jail
-John L. Smith
The rich rob the poor and the poor rob one another.
The rich swell up with pride, the poor from hunger.
The rich, like well brought up children, are meant to be seen, not heard.
H. Lapham
The richer a society, the more impossible it becomes to do worthwhile
things without immediate pay-off.
-E.F. Schumacher
The two greatest obstacles to democracy in the United States are, first,
the widespread delusion among the poor that we have a democracy, and
second, the chronic terror among the rich, lest we get it.
There is nothing wrong with men possessing riches but the wrong comes
when the riches possess men.
-Rev. Billy Graham
There is one rule that works in every calamity. Be it pestilence, war,
or famine, the rich get richer and poor get poorer. The poor even help
arrange it.
-Will Rogers
There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class,
that's making war, and we're winning.
-Warren Buffett
There's no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery. You can't do
any business from there.
-Colonel Harlan Sanders
This is what you shall do: Love the earth and sun and the animals,
despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the
stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants,
argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the
people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or
number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the
young and with the mothers of families, read these leaves in the open
air every season of every year of your life, re examine all you have
been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults
your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the
richest fluency not only in its words but in the silent lines of its
lips and face and between the lashes of your eyes and in every motion
and joint of your body...
-Walt Whitman
To suppose, as we all suppose, that we could be rich and not behave as
the rich behave, is like supposing that we could drink all day and keep
absolutely sober.
-Logan Pearsall Smith
'Tough love' is just the right phrase: love for the rich and privileged,
tough for everyone else.
-Noam Chomsky
We have two American flags always; one for the rich and one for the
poor. When the rich fly it, it means that things are under control; when
the poor fly it, it means danger, revolution, anarchy.
Wealth often takes away chances from men as well as poverty. There is
none to tell the rich to go on striving, for a rich man makes the law
that hallows and hollows his own life.
-Sean O'Casey
What we have in this country is socialism for the rich and free
enterprise for the poor.
-Gore Vidal
What's great about this country is that America started the tradition
where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the
-Andy Warhol
When people ask, 'Why should the rich pay a larger percent of their
income than middle-income people?' My answer is not an answer most
people get: It's because their power developed from laws that enriched
-Ralph Nader
When the rich make war it's the poor that die.
-Jean-Paul Sartre
Whereas it has long been known and declared that the poor have no right
to the property of the rich, I wish it also to be known and declared
that the rich have no right to the property of the poor.
(May 17 is also the birthday of Alan Kay and Craig Ferguson)
Categories: Quotes of the day, Quotes on a topic, The Rich
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