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One Hit Wonder Day, Evita, NoKo strike "inevitable", no crops remain in Puerto Rico, is Trump nuts, or is it all of us?

Published Monday, September 25, 2017 @ 3:11 AM EDT
Sep 25 2017

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Today is Monday, September 25, the 268th day of 2017 in the Gregorian calendar, with 97 days remaining.

This is the 248th day of Donald Trump's presidency. There are 1,212 days remaining in his term, assuming he doesn't resign, is otherwise removed from office, or his unhinged, psychotic behavior results in the destruction of the republic.


What happened on September 25 from On This Day


Among other things, today is One Hit Wonder Day.


O.J. Simpson says he will return to Florida when released from prison. Of course he will.


Quote of the day:

"It's very hard for me to be silly about Superman, because I've seen firsthand how he actually transforms people's lives. I have seen children dying of brain tumors who wanted as their last request to talk to me, and have gone to their graves with a peace brought on by knowing that their belief in this kind of character really matters. It's not Superman the tongue-in-cheek cartoon character they're connecting with; they're connecting with something very basic: the ability to overcome obstacles, the ability to persevere, the ability to understand difficulty and to turn your back on it."
-Christopher Reeve (September 25, 1952 - October 10, 2004)
(More Christopher Reeve quotes)


On this date in 1979, the musicalEvita premiered on Broadway.


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Seth Meyers sums up last week in his Friday monologue:


North Korea’s top diplomat says strike against U.S. mainland is 'inevitable'. Happy Monday.


Puerto Rico’s agriculture and farmers decimated by Maria. "There will be no food in Puerto Rico. There is no more agriculture in Puerto Rico. And there won’t be any for a year or longer."


The civil rights and Vietnam protests changed America. Today, they might be illegal. An insidious problem is developing in dozens of states where legislatures are considering- and sometimes approving- new laws that restrict free speech.


New version of health-care bill will help Alaska and Maine- home of two holdout senators. Now would be an excellent time to let your senators know how you feel.


Self-driving cars will kill people. Who decides who dies? A computer assisted with input from the legal system doesn't sound too good.


Trump's suggestion NFL owners fire players who kneel during the national anthem resulted in a major backlash prior to yesterday's games. And Why is Kaepernick taking a knee different from when Tebow does it?


Cynicism is killing our democracy. Only political participation can save it. "History is decided by the people that show up," and about 60 million people- about 1/5th of the country- showed up to vote for a boorish reality TV star with no experience in politics. Related: Is Trump mentally ill? Or is America? Psychiatrists weigh in.


What might life on other planets look like? Depends on the makeup budget?


A (weird) Q&A with the Carnegie Mellon professor who created the emoticon, 35 years later.


The White House announced a new travel ban targeting seven countries, including Iran and North Korea. This ban is considered indefinite. Trump’s original travel ban, which caused chaos at airports earlier this year and set off a furious legal challenge to the president’s authority, expired on Sunday even as the Supreme Court is set to hear arguments about its constitutionality on Oct. 10. The new bans will take effect Oct. 18.


The next mass species extinction will start within upcoming hundred years. The increasing level of carbon in the oceans is predicted to be the reason behind this sixth mass extinction.


Fish have complex personalities. For fish.


Fossilized poo reveals vegetarian dinosaurs had a taste for crabs. The work suggests that big herbivorous dinosaurs sometimes munched on crustaceans, likely to get extra protein and calcium into their bodies before laying eggs.


Pigs at Maryland county fair test positive for swine flu.


The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life. Sleep deprivation is increasing our risk of cancer, heart attack and Alzheimer's. Related: Meet the first brainless animal that sleeps.


Bedbug invasion: You may think that bedbugs, whose bites can cause red, itchy welts, are found only in unsavory hotel rooms and apartment buildings. But they’ve been spotted on trains and airplanes, in movie theater seats, offices, schools, libraries- even restaurants.


NASA explains why the world didn't end on Saturday.


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