Today is Tuesday, February 7, the 38th day of 2017 in the Gregorian calendar, with 327 days remaining.
There are:
7 days until Valentine's
13 days until Presidents'
21 days until Mardi
22 days until Ash
33 days until Daylight
Saving Time begins;
38 days until St.
Patrick's Day;
41 days until the
arrival of Spring;
61 days until Palm
63 days until First
Day of Passover;
57 days until April
Fools' Day;
66 days until Good
67 days until Easter
69 days until US Federal
Income Tax filing day;
70 days until Last
Day of Passover;
74 days until Earth
79 days until Arbor
636 days until the
2018 mid-term elections; and
1,443 days until the end of Donald
Trump's term as President, assuming he isn't impeached.
On this date in 1964, The Beatles arrived in New York City. Two days later, Paul McCartney, age 21, Ringo Starr, 23, John Lennon, 23, and George Harrison, 20, made their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show, a popular television variety show. Although it was difficult to hear the performance over the screams of teenage girls in the studio audience, an estimated 73 million U.S. television viewers, or about 40 percent of the U.S. population, tuned in to watch.
Among other things, today is also "e" Day. The number e is a famous irrational number, and is one of the most important numbers in mathematics. It is often called Euler's number after Leonhard Euler (pronounced "oiler") and is the base of the natural logarithms invented by John Napier.
Florida Attorney General is not amused by Trump-branded heroin.
The KGB Quotations Database contains 52,075 quotations.
Some persons born on February 7 who said interesting things:
- Alfred Adler (1870-1937), Austrian medical doctor, psychotherapist, and founder of the school of individual psychology;
- Eric Temple Bell (1883-1960), Scottish-born mathematician and science fiction writer;
- Eubie Blake (1887-1983), American composer, lyricist, and pianist of ragtime, jazz, and popular music;
- Charles Dickens (1812-1870), English writer and social critic;
- Paul E. Gray (1932), 14th president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
- G.H. Hardy (1877-1947), English mathematician, known for his achievements in number theory and mathematical analysis;
- Sinclair Lewis (1885-1951), American novelist, short-story writer, and playwright;
- Emo Philips (1956), American comedian;
- Gay Talese (1932), American writer;
- An Wang (1920-1990), Chinese–American computer engineer and inventor, and co-founder of computer company Wang Laboratories; and
- Laura Ingalls Wilder (1867-1957), American writer known for the Little House on the Prairie series of children's books.
Quote of the day:
"Some mornings it just doesn't seem worth it to gnaw through the leather
-Emo Philips
Health scare of the day: Here's why pregnant women should avoid eating licorice.
Uber hires veteran NASA engineer to develop flying cars. Drat. Still no personal jet packs.
If you thought Lady Gaga’s halftime show was apolitical, consider the origin of ‘This Land is Your Land’. The original Woody Guthrie version of the song included a line about a "big high wall there that tried to stop me."
Scientists find first observed evidence that our universe may be a hologram. "Imagine that everything you see, feel and hear in three dimensions (and your perception of time) in fact emanates from a flat two-dimensional field. The idea is similar to that of ordinary holograms where a three-dimensional image is encoded in a two-dimensional surface, such as in the hologram on a credit card. However, this time, the entire universe is encoded." And here we are without our 3-D glasses.
Here are the cheapest smartphone plans in the United States. It's a good idea to check with friends using the carriers mentioned to check on the quality of local service. A cheap phone isn't of much use if it can't get a signal.
You can cook almost any grain like popcorn. And who wouldn't love some hot buttered popped millet?
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(Unless otherwise noted, all citations are from Wikipedia.)
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