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Rabies, strawberries, penicillin, cranberries, Trump, and Florida meth addict cuts off junk, feeds it to alligator.

Published Wednesday, September 28, 2016 @ 2:56 AM EDT
Sep 28 2016

Among other things, today is World Rabies Day and National Strawberry Cream Pie Day.. Thought you'd prefer the pie photo to the rabies one.


Some people born on September 28 who said some interesting things: Philip Greenspun, Christopher Buckley, Brigitte Bardot, Seymour Cray, Harold Taylor, Ellis Peters, Al Capp, William S. Paley, Georges Clemenceau, Frances Willard.


Florida man high on meth cut off his junk and fed it to an alligator.


"That's funny..." On this date in 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming returned from vacation to his cluttered laboratory, when he noticed one of his samples was contaminated by a fungus that had killed the nearby staphylococci bacteria. He was able to produce pure cultures of what he originally called "mould juice" and later named penicillin, the first effective antibiotic.

But less than 90 years since their discovery, the World Health Organization is warning the drugs are losing their effectiveness throughout the world as bacteria develop resistance and, possibly, ushering in a "post-antibiotic era."

No new classes of antibiotics have been developed in over 25 years, and few pharmaceutical companies are performing antibiotic reason. Why? Money, of course.


It's the 200th anniversary of the first commercial cultivation of cranberries. And the industry is not doing well..


Trump Dump:

The New York Times counted 26 lies made by Donald Trump at the debate Monday:

He lied about the loan his father once gave him.

He lied about his company's bankruptcies.

He lied about his federal financial-disclosure forms.

He lied about his endorsements.

He lied about "stop and frisk."

He lied about "birtherism."

He lied about New York.

He lied about Michigan and Ohio.

He lied about Palm Beach, Fla.

He lied about Janet Yellen and the Federal Reserve.

He lied about the trade deficit.

He lied about Hillary Clinton's tax plan.

He lied about her child-care plan.

He lied about China devaluing its currency.

He lied about Mexico having the world's largest factories.

He lied about the United States's nuclear arsenal.

He lied about NATO's budget.

He lied about NATO's terrorism policy.

He lied about ISIS.

He lied about his past position on the Iraq War.

He lied about his past position on the national debt.

He lied about his past position on climate change.

He lied about calling pregnancy an "inconvenience" for employers.

He lied about calling women "pigs."

He lied about calling women "dogs."

He lied about calling women "slobs."

Here's the original story, which contains links documenting each lie.

When Trump said that not paying taxes 'makes me smart,' undecided voters in North Carolina gasped.

Trump's refusal to release his federal income tax returns appears to be an effective way to to rattle him. His "smart" comment followed Clinton's suggestion that "Maybe he's not as rich as he says he is. Maybe he's not as charitable as he claims to be."

CNN noted that Trump has handed over tax returns in the midst of audits before- to state gambling officials in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, as part of the process of seeking casino licenses in those states. The returns haven't been publicly accessible, but they were used by the state investigators who reviewed those applications.

Whatever. In post-debate interviews, Trump said he has paid federal taxes, but offered no specifics.

"Donald Trump complained about his microphone. Apparently everyone could hear him perfectly."
-Conan O'Brien

"Before the debate, Politico analyzed a week's worth of Trump speeches and found that Trump averaged about one falsehood every three minutes and 15 seconds, which is damning. Though, on the plus side, you can use Trump's lies to tell if your microwave popcorn is done."
-Stephen Colbert

"I am voting for the conservative party, and if this jackass just happens to be leading this mule train, so be it."
-unidentified older female voter interviewed on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

"One day, Donald Trump is going to look a news reporter straignt in the eyes on national TV and say 'I never ran for President.'"
-Chris Rocky

It's all fun and games until someone gets access to the nuclear codes.

The only way Trump's plans sound sane is if you add to the end of the sentence the words "Mr. Bond."

"I will build a huge wall, and Mexico will pay for it, Mr.Bond."

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